Bachelor’s in Business Administration

The Bachelor’s program conveys the necessary expertise in Business Administration and teaches you how to apply, broaden and deepen scientific methods and knowledge within a business context.

Business Administration is part of Business Sciences, just like its sister discipline of Economics.

The Bachelor’s program conveys the fundamentals of the core areas of Business Administration. The program comprises 180 ECTS credits and can be completed in a standard study period of three years (30 ECTS per semester).

  • Business Administration explores procedures within a company and deals with planning human resource, organizational and accounting decisions within a business.
  • Business Administration deals with the question as to how economic behavior is undertaken within an individual company (as an economic unit).
Basic information
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Universität Bern
Number of credits: 180 ECTS
Degree programs:
  • Major 150 or 120 ECTS

Offer for other degree programs:

  • Business Administration 60 or 30 or 15 ECTS
  • Business Information Systems 30 oder 15 ECTS
Combination possibilities: several
Duration: 6 semesters
Language: German
Beginning studies: Fall semester or – with the approval of the Dean's Office - spring semester

Introductory year

The introductory year is attended during the first two semesters of the Bachelor’s program. All the courses are laid out in a timetable and provide initial foundational knowledge.

Main study program

The second part of the Bachelor’s program, the main study program, covers two full years. The compulsory courses guarantee a sound basic education in the field of Business Administration. In addition, you can complete an array of elective courses in the field of Business Administration and, based on your personal interests, you can complete up to three different minor degree programs selected from the wide range of programs offered at the University of Bern. The Bachelor’s program is completed by writing the Bachelor’s thesis.


The 180 ECTS credits required for the Bachelor’s program include the following components: 

  • Major - 120/150 ECTS credits
  • 1-3 Minor/s - 15/30/60 ECTS credits
  • Optional ‘required elective courses’ - 15 ECTS credits

These components can be combined in different ways (refer to combination possibilities).

Graduating from the degree: the title ‘B Sc BA Universität Bern’

The Bachelor’s program is deemed to have been completed when all the academic attainments of your major, minor and, if necessary, required elective courses, have been completed (180 ECTS credits in total). Students who have completed their Bachelor’s degree program are granted the title ‘Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of Bern’ (B Sc BA) by the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

The Bachelor’s program in Business Administration includes a major worth either 150 or 120 ECTS credits and one or several minors worth 30 or 60 ECTS credits.

Students can select all the minor degree programs offered at the University of Bern, with the exception of the minor degree programs in Business Administration and Business Information Systems.

It is possible to jointly complete a minor in Business Administration and a minor in Business Information Systems. However, individual academic attainments cannot be credited twice.

Study program structure
Major ECTS  Minor ECTS 
150  30 
120  60 
120  30 + 30 
120  30 + 15 + 15 
120  30 + 15 + 15 required elective courses

Minor programs on offer
Which minor you can combine.

Required elective courses

For the minor ‘required elective courses’, students can study any courses offered across the entire university. The only rule is that the courses must not be part of any of their chosen major and minor study programs. This means that students cannot complete any courses offered at the institutes at which they are already completing their major and minor study programs.

This regulation only applies to students with a major in business administration. If you are taking a major other than Business Administration, please consult the student advisory service for your major.

Required elective courses are marked accordingly in the electronic course catalog (CTS) ). To find them, please visit KSL, click on ‘advanced search’, select the faculty, institute and semester in question and check ‘crediting as optional course’.


  • The grading scale ranges from 1 to 6, with 6 being the best grade
  • Any achievements with a grade of 4 or higher are credited (cf.  Art. 44 des WISO-Reglements), in both the major study program and the minor study program
  • In the introductory year, students majoring in the subject can compensate for up to two inadequate examination grades if the weighted average of all the individual grades is at least 4.25. The ECTS credits of all the individual introductory courses are taken into account in the weighted average (cf. Art. 15 RSL WISO). If the student sits the examination several times, the grade they achieve in their last attempt will count towards their average grade.
  • In the main study program, each compulsory course must be completed with a minimum grade of 4 (i.e. there is no opportunity to compensate for it). Inadequate academic achievements can be retaken twice (3 exam attempts in total). Each compulsory course within the minor program must also be passed with a minimum grade of 4 (i.e. there is no opportunity to compensate for it). In this case, inadequate examination attempts can be retaken three times.

De-/registration for examinations 

Registration and deregistration are carried out via KSL, which is also where examination results are released.

Important note

If you are not studying under the 2006 regulations, other guidelines apply for the accreditation of study achievements.
Information about this is available in the regulations and study plans in question.

Special knowledge


For further questions regarding the application and admission process, please contact the Admissions Office.

The following academic qualifications entitle the holder to admission to one of the following Master’s programs:

Career prospects

A degree in Business Administration enables you to pursue development pathways that can lead all the way to top management. An international career is also open to you, thanks to your globally recognized degree from the University of Bern.

Labor market demand

Regardless of economic developments, Business Administration graduates are always in high demand in the job market. Starting salaries for this globally recognized degree are among the highest out there, and career opportunities can lead all the way to the uppermost echelons of management.

Prospects after a Master’s degree

After the Master's degree, educational pathways including doctoral studies or the acquisition of an executive MBA are open to you.