Scheme of program according to the previous study plan M Sc BA 2015

In accordance with the SP M Sc BA 2015, the M Sc in Business Administration comprises 90 ECTS and includes the following elements:

Compulsory electives (42 – 60 ECTS)

Subject Module (Fachmodul) 9 - 13.5 ECTS

  • Students are required to complete a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 topic modules, each consisting of 9 – 13.5 ECTS credits (i.e. a total of 36 – 54 ECTS credits). Each topic module includes 2 – 3 assessments that are related in terms of content. A topic module is passed when all its assessments have been successfully completed. An overview of the topic modules on offer can be found in
    Appendix 1 (only available in German) of SP M Sc BA 2015.

Within the compulsory electives, students are also required to complete a Business Administration seminar (6 ECTS). It is recommended that students complete the seminar before starting to write their Master’s thesis. Moreover, many institutes require the seminar to have been successfully completed before students apply for the thesis. As a result, we also recommend choosing a seminar with an eye to the desired topic for the Master’s thesis. Please be aware of the registration deadlines on CTS (KSL) and on the websites of the individual institutes.

Electives (10 – 28 ECTS)

The electives consist of an elective module (10 – 28 ECTS) comprising courses listed in the Business Administration lecture program that cannot be credited to a topic module.

It is possible to obtain up to 9 ECTS credits from non-BA courses, i.e. Master’s courses taken outside the department or faculty. More information on this can be found in Appendix 3 (only available in German) of the SP M Sc BA 2015.

Compulsory elements (20 ECTS)

In order to complete the Master’s program, it is compulsory for every student to write a Master’s thesis (20 ECTS). Students can take up to a maximum of six months to complete their Master’s thesis. It is recommended that students have already obtained at least 45 ECTS credits during their Master’s studies before starting to write their Master’s thesis. A maximum of three students can work on a thesis project together.

Students are expected to consult the institutes in question (or their websites) well in advance regarding requirements, regulations and the process of writing. There is no obligation, but also no entitlement, to complete the second seminar in the chosen specialization.


During the MSc BA, students are able to choose a specialization encompassing at least 36 ECTS credits. The specialization consists of a minimum of two topic modules as well as specified electives and/or a seminar. A specialization can be chosen in the following focus areas:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Information Systems

The specialization will be disclosed in the Diploma Supplement.

An overview of the available specializations with the courses required for each one can be found in Appendix 2 (only available in German) of the SP M Sc BA 2015.